Saturday, November 7, 2009

How to Boil An Egg

Blessed with a beautiful day, and all the things I needed to make this work, I entered the church to the curious stares of all assembled. Confidently, I walked into the kitchen armed with an entourage of equipment and ingredients. The director introduced me to the summer interns that would be helping me with the kids. I was then informed that the young kids would not come into the kitchen but could observe through the pass through. I also met two charming volunteers, ladies, that would assist me. They were an older group and just delightful. Each followed my instructions to the letter. However, they began to doubt my ability when I instructed them to start the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil then shut off the fire and time for 15 minutes. The eggs should be cooked perfectly I exclaimed. They both looked at each other and one said, "I have been boiling eggs for 60 years, but never, have I made one like that, are you sure you know what you are doing?" I assured her that this was cutting edge culinary technique and yields a perfectly boiled egg each time. With the kitchen and staff organized to my liking it was time to meet my class. Two tables were placed in the dining room with 10 kids at each. Each had an apron and a wooden egg to ponder. Little did I know that before I started my class, I would be grandly seranaded by the entire group. Continued

1 comment:

  1. I boiled 16 eggs for a recipe for a shower. Right! They came out to perfection! Thank you Chef Charles!
